08 October 2011

Well, life has been a sleepy happy blur since Lev was born. He seems to change daily and are now enchanted when he tracks us with his eyes and smiles. What a smile? ...or is it gas? Whatever. Life is good.                                                                                                                     
In fact, big news: Lev is officially an American citizen. So sayeth the guy at the US embassy who took our paperwork. A little person passport is on it's way as I type. Congrats, son, the IRS will be sending you a letter to remind you of your responsibilities momentarily, I'm sure. 

My drinkin' buddies, Barry and Amaury. 
Anya won ''wife of the year'' when she remained pleasant about a trip off to Munich to join some colleagues and clients at Oktoberfest. PROST! My second 'fest and I loved it as much as the first time...except the stranger who vomited all over the front of my t-shirt. You gotta roll with the punches when you're drinking liter beers with 1/2 a million revellers I guess.
Then entrance to the Ochsenbraterei tent at Oktoberfest
I have some great videos that show off the celebration we experienced, but there's trouble loading - I'll try to put them up later.

After one last gasp of summer, the temperatures are dropping in the UK and Europe. We bundle Lev up with a great fuzzy suit with little bear ears on top. Awwwwwwww. My mom is visiting and excited to meet her grandson. She has calming skills that are almost supernatural! Lots of practice ingrained, I guess. 

I want one. A rolling bar for you and your closest buddies. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This little bunny of yours is tooooooo cute. He has a new friend, way back out here in Seattle now... Owen Michael Moody sends his best! :)