19 February 2016

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Happy Chinese New Year!)

"Happy Chinese New Year 2016"
Chinese (or Lunar) new year is a big big deal over here. Every mall has an elaborate set up display, featuring giant monkey likenesses (it's the year of the monkey), giant gold coins (for prosperity), stages for traditional Chinese dances, etc. In my opinion, some of them are pretty tacky, though Anya disagrees. But some get it right for my taste with real-looking cherry blossom trees and artfully hung red lanterns. It's cool. But maybe best of all for me, we get a couple of days off work.

We flew to Langkawi and did a stop-and-flop holiday at the Westin resort. Normally we are eager to explore off the beaten path. But after almost two months of moving, new job, school, city, country...we just wanted to unwind. And we did it in style! The above photo of "Gong Xi Fa Cai" is actually carved out of one watermelon and exemplifies the indulgent breakfast buffet we had each day - complete with bubbly, so we wouldn't venture to the pool without a touch of a buzz. 
The vacation was great, though Lev did get sick from a combo throat infection and, I think, jellyfish sting. The hotel was all class and sent Lev a card and fruitbasket. If you find yourself in Langkawi, I recommend the Westin there. 

No suffering here - Kangkawi
Last weekend we hit up the Kuala Gandah elephant reserve. A really nice place in the jungle where they keep displaced elephants, forced out of their natural habitat by the rampant deforestation and planting of palm oil crops. Lev had a great time feeding them sugarcane and we got join a baby elephant in the river to scrub him down with sand and help wash him. No riding these elephants - they aren't tamed and they don't want to stress them out. I like that. 

fruit basked and card from the hotel staff to Lev. 

the view at dinner
Today, as I type on Feb 20...it's my birthday! After 38 years, I'm pleased to say that I've yet to relinquish my grip on a good sense of adventure and healthy dose of immaturity.  Today we're off to Fraser's Hill to stay at an old English hotel. It's a bit of a throwback to the colonial days and, I'm guessing, bit of a touristy place. But it has a pub and a waterfall to hike to...and being up in the mountains, it's a touch cooler. 

Last night, Anya surprised me with reservations to a chic new south american restaurant called Fuego. The whole place is open on 3 sides with just a roof. And it's perched on the 24th floor with pretty breath taking views to the Patronas Towers and Kuala Lumpur tower (their "Spaceneedle").
Margarita with a view

I wanted to joke that this photos was taken just before a masked armed male took over the pool. Anya said that's not funny. 

hidden courtyard in the rain - outside Kuala Lumpur

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